Thursday, June 9, 2016

Clinton wins Latino vote in California

Following the California primary, the Washington post published an article noting that California’s most Latino congressional districts had gone to Clinton. It seemed that Sanders would have all of the second generation’s votes but they ended up going to Clinton, where she won all 12 of the California congressional districts where Latino voters make up supermajorities of the population.

Historically Sanders has done better with younger voters, however there has been a campaign to get Latino voters registered an in the voting booth as a reaction to Donald Trump. Both Sanders and Clinton have had anti-Trump messages in their campaigns across California leading up to the June 7th primary.

This election cycle Latinos have been about evenly split on Sanders vs. Clinton in many states where Latinos represent a large portion of the populations. Sanders has done better with younger Latino voters and Clinton doesn’t have the same kind of recognition that African American voters have with her. This is in stark contrast to the strongly unfavorable view that 85% of Latinos have toward Trump.

What I think is important about this article is that now that Clinton is certainly the Democratic candidate, its more important now more than ever for Latinos, and all democrats, to unite and to make sure that Trump does not build his wall.

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