Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Commentary on Rebecca Choi's Blog Stage #7

For her Blog Stage 7 my classmate Rebecca Choi wrote a piece on her blog, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, about the large number of mass shootings in America and the lack of action in Congress to combat this epidemic.
To start off her article she began by presenting some cold hard facts about mass shootings in America, citing the number of mass shootings and deaths as a result in 2015 and noting that no real move has been made in congress to combat gun violence. I however did notice some small errors that were a little distracting while I was reading. Rebecca used the word “alone” 4 times in 3 sentences, not a huge problem, just something to think about when writing things like this where diction can really serve to elevate the argument being made.
Then she went on to go into more detail on some of the shootings from the past year mentioning incidents such as, San Bernadino, Charleston, Newtown, and finally ended with Orlando. Then the author questions why the government has yet to make any moves to solving the gun violence problem in our country.
Then Rebecca cites a statistic from the New York Post from a poll about people favoring assault weapon ban but also saying that it probably wouldn’t help, people saying its too easy to buy a bun and that expanding background checks would help reduce gun violence. I think stating some real evidence to back up her claims made her argument more solid.

In the last paragraph Rebecca sums up her article by stating the while there isn’t a clear solution yet, people should still be looking to make a change to the gun laws.